The family you imagine is closer than you dreamed...

Teresa would love to come speak to your group! Contact her here and access her media kit.
Encouraging and supporting families is what Harbor Home is all about.
You dreamed of having your own family. You knew exactly what it was going to be like: dinner at the table, children playing on the swing set in the yard or in their playroom with their toys.
But it has been more challenging than you thought. There is too much chaos and not enough joy; too much busy-ness and not enough purpose. The years are slipping by and you realize that you and your children are not enjoying each other as you had hoped.
You long to have a truly happy, connected family and the thriving, loving home you imagined, but something is missing.
I hear you. I understand your frustration. But mostly I understand the fear of your heart that somehow you have failed. Hear me loud and clear: If you have read this far, I promise that you have not failed! You just need some resources, and you are in the right place.
Harbor Home is a place where you will find encouragement and practical tips. and a Christ-centered place to ask questions and get solid suggestions.
If you are not a Christian, you have still come to the right place. Harbor Home is committed to serving and supporting families of all or no faith traditions. Families are the building blocks of every culture and nation and tribe, and we all need each other.
Subscribe now and get encouraging content in your email box. You can have a Harbor Home and enjoy your family!